Bass Tricks #1 DIY endpin project

I keep going through these rubber endpin tips after a few months. They usually start slipping on me after only a short time. They are kind of expensive and hard to find, so I deecided to take matters into my own hand.


Here is an image of my old worn down endpin.


I removed the rubber tip and start hacking away at the side with a large knife and a cutting board.


I was hoping the metal would be enclosed at the other end - but hopefully end pin will not push through the new rubber I will be adding.


Here is all the rubber I took off and my weapon.


Once I cut it down enough, I was able to stick a crutchtip on the end. So far this badboy is working just great. It should be cheaper and easier to replace if needed too. I'm not sure if it will deepen the sound more, but so far it does not seem like it.


I got to idea of switching to an crutchtip because this is the way my bass built by Kent McLagan came when I bought it. I have not noticed any reduction in sound on that bass. Kent uses it on his bass, and he is one of loudest accoustic bass players I know.