Why Cash Relief Now?

The current stimulus bill in congress will likely include

  • $300/week UI
  • $300B - PPP
  • $250B - state & local
  • Temporary liability shield
  • $50B 4 health/vaccine distribution

While this is better than nothing in this emergency, the absence of cash relief is a disaster.

Why is cash relief better than extended unemployment benefits?

  • Most of our essential workers have not got hazard pay. We all clapped out hands at the beginning of this pandemic for them, but they deserve a pay pump for all their work.

  • Not everyone has the same risk with this pandemic. Some will have to stay home but some can work the jobs that are needed. Cash relief encourages people to work that can do so safely. It will let people stay home that are at higher risk from the virus or live with people that are.

  • Unemployment Insurance may be easy to get in your state but not every state makes it so easy. The states are also swamped and behind. Make it easy, give it to everyone.

  • Small businesses aren’t big enough to leverage the federal government for money, but they are big enough to attract business from local people if they have the money to spend. Trickle up supports the little people and the little businesses.

But won’t that money go to rich people too?

Yes, yes it will, but even rich people may have lost their job or not be able to work during this crisis. At the end of the year rich people will pay more in taxes. It is much easier and more efficient to give cash to everyone and then tax people after the year is over - less bureaucracy and more efficient.

The current $900 billion dollar stimulus compromise could give every American almost $3,000. 82% of american’s favor cash relief including a majority of Republicans. Please tell congress that we need direct cash relief in this bill.